понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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Saturday I undertook the nutritional journey to a hilltop in Austin, Wizard Academy. It's a journey that fills my imagination's tank. Applied vision sourced in service to others has a contagious quality; its magic quickly dissipates when misapplied in the mundane use of self-service. More on that another time....

While there, Dave Young shared with me a truth that freed me of guilt like a good long visit in the confessional. As we discussed methods of helping you author fresh content for a blog, he indicated many people begin but fail to continue populating blogs. Getting people to write consistently is a bigger challenge than getting them to write at all.

Check the date spans between my posts. We are our own harshest critics and assume our short-comings are unique in the universe. Not so much. When you're in moments of stifling angst, remember the sage words of wisdom frequently vended by my beloved Grandmother, Margret McMillan: "get over it."

Flurries and downpours of creativity fill the pages with alarming irregularity. When it rains, pages pour forth. Between those times, however, this blog (and, don't take this personally) becomes that girl who you really like, but can't seem to make time for...

Dave generously shared a key to generating content that left me feeling like a world-class goober. You know the feeling: a solution to a problem comes your way comprised of various elements you knew, but never assembled.

Ah, to say is easy. Doing requires the surfactant of commitment to break the surface tension of remaining securely nestled in the soup of what you already know. That's a hint. Curious? Ask, and I'll share.

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