четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

aung san su chi

��� From the age of 11 I grew up really really poor. My mom and step-dad both lost their 100k a year jobs due to the fact that they got addicted to drugs. It started with painkillers, and when I got older they told me it was a lot more (cocaine and acid). My mom got sent to rehab for 2 months and my step-dad had to go cold turkey since he had no insurance. At this time, my little brother was less than 1 year old.
�� They finally quit their drug addiction but we lost everything after that. Our house, cars, and we had to leave everything behind in our house. We lived in a motel for about 6 months or so before they could save up enough money to put down on renting another house. We moved into this house and had the most crooked landlord who took advantage of my Mom and lied to her all the time. About 2 years later I moved down here to Florida. My mom and step-dad have turned their lives around so much and are very good parents and people. My mom is fully committed to raising my brother (who is now 7) and my little sister (just turned 3).
�� A few months ago my step-father lost his job and a week later was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. His doctor made him wait a month before job hunting because he was on the verge of going into a coma because his blood sugar was so high. So he waits to look for a job, and now he cannot find a job anywhere, and he does not qualify for unemployment. My mom only pulls in about $575 a month, and all that does is cover rent. Their water has been off for about 3 weeks now, they go to my grandmotherapos;s house everyday to shower and get gallons of water. Now their electricity is shut off and they are being told they have to pay $2500 before it will be turned back on. Fortunatly (I donapos;t know how) it is getting turned back on Thursday (at least, this is what Iapos;m being told by my Aunt)
� I feel like a horrible person because here I am being able to pay all my bills (and then some), and my family is suffering. I mean I really donapos;t have any extra money at the end of the month after bills/food, but I am living comfortably. I feel like I should be with them suffering it out. It makes me hurt and cry a lot of the times. I told my Mother about how I felt and she started to cry. I know does not feel resentment towards me for living a decent life. I just feel like a traitor to my family, and I have no idea why. I wish I made more money so I could help them. Iapos;m at a loss on what to do for them. I feel really bad for my parents because ever since they stopped their addictions, life has gone so bad for them. My mom keeps saying "when you hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up", but it seems they always manage to find more ground to hit.

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