понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

dothan motor company

22 count has nothing to do with 14. No wonder I�was losing details. >_< Arg. So Sharon, a slight delay. I will make up for it though. Iapos;ve also been digging up stuff for simple designs that I can sell as either bookmarks or coasters.

Tomorrow Iapos;m heading to NYC for apos;pillage the cityapos; time with Sakka-chan. Yay So if I�can Iapos;ll post my cross-stitch before I�leave. However I am a HORRIBLE�slug in the morning lately. So I suspect Iapos;ll wake up with just enough time to get presentable and still make it to the train on time. Heh.

Also my parents are watching the HBO John Adams miniseries on DVD right now. They are entranced And Iapos;m amused as hell. Especially since mom canapos;t make it through a movie she likes without falling asleep.
dothan motor company, dothan motorsports.

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