понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

beach condo florida fort in walton

Man, Weekends are the shizznit, arenapos;t they?

After a wonder visit with the Schlangetts last night, I slept well, and now am up, getting ready for french toast and eggs. Then to church with both my lovely babes and of course my wonderful mother. Mom is leaving tomorrow, and I�am trying to put my blinders on about the whole thing. I donapos;t want her to be gone, both because it makes my life a little harder as far as work is concerned, but mainly because I am going to miss her. It has been at least 4 years since it was just my husband and I as the adults around. I�am hoping I can keep things centered and I may just be leaning on a few friends really hard. It is silly, its not like my husband as leaving, but sometimes it feels like all my support is. Sad. First Ali, then Nikki, now Mom. I guess I am about to feel what it is REALLY�LIKE to be a working mom. Not so sure I am that happy about it.

Okay, for now, starting the french toast, and I�am sure that I smell a stinky diaper.
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