понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cs 100a

I got up this morning planning on going up to Centralia in Pennsylvania. You know, the place that the Silent Hill movie is based on? But I decided in the morning that I wanted to go play with ponies in the grayson highlands. So I set out for a 4ish hour drive down to the border of VA and NC to go find wild ponies. But I got distracted.

A little past Lexington there started to be all these signs for things around the Natural Chimneys. You know, silly stuff. Zoos, Safaris, etc. Etc. Interesting, but nothing that made me want to get off the road. That is, until I came across a sign for Cave Mountain Lake. The vagueries of that sign forced me off the road. What the heck is a cave mountain lake? Is it anything like a Forest Hill Stream? Or an Beach Bayou Ocean? So I had to go track that place down instead. That could not be left alone.

On the way to Cave Mountain Lake, I stopped by the Natural Bridge building. What the heck is that place? It is absurd. I went in expecting just a little ticket booth, but no. It was a giant little store that sold so much ridiculous junk it wasnapos;t even funny. Actually it was. And they had this amazing old fashion music box playing that you could see inside. On the way out I noticed something that I canapos;t for the life of me understand how I missed going inside. There was a life size statue of a cowboy riding a velociraptor. Or some other dinosaur. It was pretty amazing. There was also a wax museum across the street. I didnapos;t go in, but there was a neat statue swinging from a rope. Donapos;t know why, but this entire area was nothing but nonsensical creations. Brilliant place.

I get to Cave Mountain Lake. It turns out it is like a Forest Hill Stream. I didnapos;t see anything resembling a cave, a mountain, or a lake. But google images assures me there is a lake somewhere. But it was pretty, and I got to violate federal law or something by not paying at the selfpay station, so it was worth it. (For the record it was 5 dollars to get in, and I only had a 20.)

And then I went down the road to Foamhenge. Yes, you heard me right. Foamhenge. It is exactly what it sounds like. Stonehenge but with foam Just as mystical too. And there were two plaques describing the theories on how it was built. One included Merlin. That one was right next to a statue or Merlin surfing on a giant foam stone. There was also a sign that said that there were two reasons why one should not mess with the stones. One, because it was against federal law, and two, because the guy sometimes likes to hide in the bushes and watch people and if he sees anyone scratching the stones he goes and scratches their car. All true.

And then I found a sign for an Enchanted Castle. Turns out it was Enchanted Castle Studio Tours. And that turns out to mean that there is a shamble of a building with a bunch of papermachie objects, mostly animals. And most of those animals were missing heads. It was like someone smashed all the statues in the Ice Queenapos;s palace in Narnia and then all the statues came back to life. Needless to say, it was amusingly awesome.

Today was pretty awesome.

date nightlife release sims2, cs 100a, cs 102.

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