понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Exactly 12 months b4 2day,
I was either sittin in my room in frt of my pc doin nuthin 2 keep my mind off things...or perhaps spendin sum time in d library starin blankly at books bt nt inputting any data in2 my strained brain..
cz a month n a year ago was 1 of d worst periods of my life where i experienced a major fall..
a fall which made me feel lifeless..like no1 in d world cared n loved me nemore..
a fall which caused all my tears to let loose..
a fall which taught me a lesson that there is no happily ever after..cz those things only exists in fairy tales..
but it was this day a year ago in which i met this beautiful person in my life..
1 can gif a 23098398709834583 gueeses of hw i met hm bt nvr gt it rite..cz i met hm in d moz random way of my life..an approach i wud never haf done if given a 2nd chance 2day..
when i met hm,i dare not even pass any judgement on him since he was still a stranger n u knw wt ur mom alwiz tell u bout strangers...so v juz got 2 knw each other a lil btr..then came all d chemistry..sum ppl say u cn only gt sparkles n chemistry when u meet or see sum1 in d eyes bt i say they r wrong..cz iapos;ve already felt d connection b4 i met hm in real life..
til 2day i wudnt say he is perfect cz no1 is...but i knw he is d 1 4 me.. :)
hs presence made a drastic change in my life..
he eased my pain
he eased my sorrow
he taught n encourage me hw 2 stand and walk..
he gaf me d courage 2 b d person i am again..
iapos;m lucky n grateful 2 haf met u my dear..
i suppose my prayers were answered by god..

p/s:this blog post is specially dedicated 2 nicholas tan..
thanks hunz 4 alwiz being there...

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cs 100a

I got up this morning planning on going up to Centralia in Pennsylvania. You know, the place that the Silent Hill movie is based on? But I decided in the morning that I wanted to go play with ponies in the grayson highlands. So I set out for a 4ish hour drive down to the border of VA and NC to go find wild ponies. But I got distracted.

A little past Lexington there started to be all these signs for things around the Natural Chimneys. You know, silly stuff. Zoos, Safaris, etc. Etc. Interesting, but nothing that made me want to get off the road. That is, until I came across a sign for Cave Mountain Lake. The vagueries of that sign forced me off the road. What the heck is a cave mountain lake? Is it anything like a Forest Hill Stream? Or an Beach Bayou Ocean? So I had to go track that place down instead. That could not be left alone.

On the way to Cave Mountain Lake, I stopped by the Natural Bridge building. What the heck is that place? It is absurd. I went in expecting just a little ticket booth, but no. It was a giant little store that sold so much ridiculous junk it wasnapos;t even funny. Actually it was. And they had this amazing old fashion music box playing that you could see inside. On the way out I noticed something that I canapos;t for the life of me understand how I missed going inside. There was a life size statue of a cowboy riding a velociraptor. Or some other dinosaur. It was pretty amazing. There was also a wax museum across the street. I didnapos;t go in, but there was a neat statue swinging from a rope. Donapos;t know why, but this entire area was nothing but nonsensical creations. Brilliant place.

I get to Cave Mountain Lake. It turns out it is like a Forest Hill Stream. I didnapos;t see anything resembling a cave, a mountain, or a lake. But google images assures me there is a lake somewhere. But it was pretty, and I got to violate federal law or something by not paying at the selfpay station, so it was worth it. (For the record it was 5 dollars to get in, and I only had a 20.)

And then I went down the road to Foamhenge. Yes, you heard me right. Foamhenge. It is exactly what it sounds like. Stonehenge but with foam Just as mystical too. And there were two plaques describing the theories on how it was built. One included Merlin. That one was right next to a statue or Merlin surfing on a giant foam stone. There was also a sign that said that there were two reasons why one should not mess with the stones. One, because it was against federal law, and two, because the guy sometimes likes to hide in the bushes and watch people and if he sees anyone scratching the stones he goes and scratches their car. All true.

And then I found a sign for an Enchanted Castle. Turns out it was Enchanted Castle Studio Tours. And that turns out to mean that there is a shamble of a building with a bunch of papermachie objects, mostly animals. And most of those animals were missing heads. It was like someone smashed all the statues in the Ice Queenapos;s palace in Narnia and then all the statues came back to life. Needless to say, it was amusingly awesome.

Today was pretty awesome.

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Yay, I finally got Goldsmithing up to 20

I proceeded to being soloing on RNG (muling for the gear took forever).� I stuck with EP ~ EM worms in Korroloka Tunnel, and managed to get from level 25 to 27 in about 3~4 hours worth of playing.� Going /NIN�for shadows really helps, although Stonega is a pain in the neck.� The whole "crafting ores while I level" think didnapos;t work out too well though; drops were not as plentiful as Iapos;d hoped. �I kept getting Zinc Ores, which is nice, but it takes 3xCopper Ore and 1xZinc Ore to make a Brass Ingot.� Also, I only got about 2 Iron Ores in the entire time I was leveling.� >.>� (And worms in that zone donapos;t drop Silver Ores).� Still, I am not despairing.� Once I get RNG�up to a level I like (whenever I get sick of this current cycle of leveling) Iapos;ll remule all that stuff, hop back on RDM, and try some real farming runs.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fal out boys

Alright so i went to work today (i work as a horse riding instructor) and when i got there i find my horse that i use has these to rub marks where the girth normally goes, so i had to cover them up with bandages, that seemed to help a lot actually. Once the little girl i teach and I started she ends up telling me that sheapos;s really tired and she doesnapos;t want to do that much riding today. So i said that we have to do the hour because her mum and dad were paying me to do this, so she went along with the lesson, but every time i pulled he back into the middle of the circle she would start talking and wouldnapos;t stop,� and once�i told her to do something she would take about 5 minutes to get started. Then my horse seemed to have enough and she just kept eating and wouldnapos;t lift her head, so i told the girl to get stuck into her and when she did my horse took off into a canter (the girl i teach doesnapos;t know how to canter yet) so that freaked he and me out a little bit, but she stayed on which was a good thing.
Once her lesson was done i was ment to be giving another girl a lesson but she never turns up, her mum thinks i have to ring every time i want her to come. I already told her to come at 10 every sunday but she still wants me to tell her she can come.

Once i was home as soon as i get in the door my little brother was like lets go to the beach, ha ha i was like yer just give me an hour to cool down from work (horse riding is pretty hard). So i cooled down for a while and then warren and dad came home so i ended staying home for a little longed because warren gave us 10 dollars to buy lunch. Once we finished lunch i took my little brother, the two big dogs and the two little puppies to the beach. I didnapos;t go swimming it was so ruff out there today, and my brother didnapos;t go in either. When we got home warren and dad where working on the car so i just bummed around th house again and watch them work on the car and on the boat motor, that was interesting.....

Well my day wasnapos;t really that interesting, just work then bumming around. Itapos;s school tomorrow mabye something will happen then.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

clackamas river

Itapos;s official...Ree calls me "Mommy," Chris, "Daddy," and my mom is "Gahpu." My crazy grandmother, her great-grandmother, is "Boca." (??) Though "boca" is Spanish for "mouth," so I guess Rhiannon is tapping into some hidden, intuitive wisdom on that count.

Chris taught Ree how to say "Braaaaaaaains" today. A couple days ago she grabbed a postcard Iapos;d gotten from the Homebrew Shop announcing a wine tasting theyapos;re holding at the beginning of November. She spent the rest of the night randomly announcing "wahn tay-tayn" She manages to say "helicopter" fairly well, too ("hellcoppah"). And yet "grandma/gramma" comes out "gahpu."

We cleaned and reorganized our fridge, which is unfortunately cold enough toward the back to freeze things solid. I just pulled out some leftover penne pasta thatapos;s frozen solid. I mean, seriously -- I had to chip blocks of it off on to a plate to reheat. A piece fell on the floor, and now Tuck, the resident alley cat, is busily licking his very own frozen mostaccioli-pop in a desperate attempt to try to consume it.

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barrel full of monkey

When I awoke this morning, I found that my room had turned to a frozen wasteland. This will teach me to sleep with the windows open during Trenchcoat Weather.

Iapos;d forgotten that I never posted the sketch of my Halloween costume.

Stinging machine.

It did, of course, come out a bit different from this, and there are quite a few more accessories I ended up making on the fly (haha, fly, get it?). My stinger is so fabulous. But no actual photos yet. This is all you get for now.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Last night when Katri came home and turned on the light in her room, the light said *bum* and worked no more. Soon she found that her room had no electricity at all, nor did our tiny hall. Meanwhile, my room had no such problems. Luckily our kitchen had power, I was not in the mood for eating the fridgeapos;s contents, even if there wasnapos;t much. Bathroom also had light, which was nice. We figured itapos;s probably a fuse. This morning she called someone about it, and they sent someone. Yep, a fuse, but I still donapos;t believe how easy it was to fix. I wouldapos;ve thought heapos;d at least have to actually change something, but no. He showed me how to do it if it ever happened again. Just flick this switch back this way. Wow, this maintenance stuff is easy.

Uh, is it friday already...

Tietovirta sucks, itapos;s the worst thing ever, useless, it doesnapos;t work, itapos;s slow, frustrating, it keeps getting stupid problems and it just sucks. Itapos;s TAapos;s own little network thingie where we have to put our essays and shit, but using it is hell. Iapos;d want to read some other peopleapos;s essays to see if mine are any good, but the damned thing is so slow it only getapos;s frustrating. ARGH. My computer being what it is probably doesnapos;t help, but others have the same problems, or even completely different problems, still the main point is: Tietovirta SUCKS.. It just doesnapos;t work and I hate it. .

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canyon resource

I decided to name her 42. She is the answer to the Universe, Life, and Everything.

I finally have pics. The collection isnapos;t complete yet, since sheapos;s not put together all the way, but by the time she is, Iapos;ll be shocked that she doesnapos;t have legs and canapos;t walk and talk on her own. Iapos;ve spent so long building her that it feels like I could have made an entire robot by now.

Anyway, here you go. I took pics last night when I put in the new UV A.C. Ryan orange fans. So here is the journey of 42, thus far.

For starters, sheapos;s huge. The case is 45lbs when itapos;s empty, and stands over 23 inches tall. Sheapos;s almost 25 inches long, and over 10 inches WIDE Hereapos;s a view from the front:

and the front with the door open:

Here you can see the top exhaust vents on the back of the top panel:

and hereapos;s what the back looks like. Notice the PSU spot on the BOTTOM of the case (ignore all the crap inside, this is before I took it all out). This is the first time Iapos;ve seen one with it on the bottom like that. The two black dots are built in liquid cooling holes.

Here you can see the bolt on side window that the crew at FrozenCPU did. The cut job on the plastic is pretty craptastic, but hey, I didnapos;t have to do it myself, so thatapos;s a plus. The strip going across is the VGA cooling duct that comes with the case normally, but since I have a window, that will be coming off. You can see the rest of the crap sitting inside of it. All of that is going to get pulled out.

Hereapos;s the back showing the back panel taken off. You can see all the spaces and holes made for wire organization. Hopefully they come in handy when I have a ton of wires going everywhere.

Hereapos;s the back from the front side. You can see a bunch of wires coming down from the top panel where all the ports and buttons are.

Now itapos;s time to replace the fans that came with it. The three top exhaust fans:

And this bottom intake fan:

And Iapos;m going to pull out these 3.5" drive bay conversion runners to put a fan here.

Below it is 6 hard drive bays:

This is the intake slot for the PSU. Itapos;s sealed, so that the PSU only pulls in cold air from the room and exhausts warm air away from the case. Itapos;s self contained, meaning it has a cooling system separate from the rest of the case.

This is the side of the 5 inch bays. The buttons make putting in and removing drives easy as cake.

Anyway, here are the fans Iapos;ll be putting in. They are clear-ish orange that is UV reactive, and each has 4 UV LEDs in it to really make it glow.

First, I took the black exhaust fans out. To do the tops ones, I needed to remove the black plastic panel that vents the air:

Here are a couple of pics of the vents without any fans:

I noticed when I was taking the new fans out to mount them, they had a funny looking sticker on them:

Donapos;t trash your fans or throw them away? Ok, will do.

So here they all are inside the case:

In order to really get the full impact, I need to install the UV CCFLs I bought with the case.


Behold The top:

Now I have some color under those top vents:

And last but not least, the Seagate 1TB Barracuda needs to get put in:

Loaded up, ready to go:

Those are all the pics I have for now. More to come though, I promise. This is just the beginning. Thereapos;s a lot of effort still to go into this big girl. I hope by the end she looks as great as I want her to. It would also be nice if she ran the way I want her to too :P

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